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English Simple Spawn Entity >

6 comments7 kb, 35 Downloads

old Simple Spawn Entity

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[How to use]
     First: using example file
          Run "RUNFILE.lua", for example write "dofile("./sys/lua/RUNFILE.lua")" in "server.lua"
          You can experience the functions.
     Second: including core file(assuming the files in "./sys/lua/" path)
          If you want to use it,please include "MAINFUNC.lua",
               and before including,new a global variable "StartENTITY",initialize it with int type, like "StartENTITY = 0". and then write "dofile("./sys/lua/MAINFUNC.lua")".
               Why?Because I think it may help someone to manage entity's ID.
[How to write]
     You may don't know the functions' functions, so you can see the descriptions in the "MAINFUNC.lua" file.
     Remebering some functions that need you to write will passing parameter "objID".

Maybe the codes in "RUNFILE.lua" looks like a s**t mountain(Incomprehensible).
I'm sorry for last guidance,because it looked really too simple.
And I test files in a pure cs2d,it can run.
edited 3×, last 07.06.24 06:29:42 am
Declined by Gaios
File has been reworked. New review pending!
Your description is insufficient! Please write a proper description which actually describes your file!

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Mami Tomoe
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@user Cure Pikachu: that doesn't seem to have anything to do with the title/description.


Cure Pikachu
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@user Cebra: Yeah, according to WinRAR's analysis of the archive this isn't a ZIP archive, rather a TAR one.
@user Mami Tomoe: My quick overview of this script effectively boils down to a wrapper for some form of object-oriented scripting, with 3 examples included.


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I tried to do everything, i even asked ChatGPT for assistance with the file. However, The script still doesn't work. Specifically, the script mentions spawning entities such as cars. However, CS2D doesn't include any graphics for cars by default. Could you provide more information or an example of how to spawn these entities, considering the lack of car graphics in the game?


Mami Tomoe
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I have no idea what this file does and I even looked at the code.

How did this even get approved?
What does this script even do?


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It's completely normal to feel uncertain when uploading files or scripts for the first time. If you have specific questions or concerns about your Lua script, feel free to share them here, and I'd be happy to help you review it and provide guidance. You can upload the file by clicking the "Attach File" button below the chat box.
I like it!


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The zip file seems to be damaged?
At least Windows 10 itself cannot open it; it works with 7-Zip.

@user DetectiveConan: I think a more informative description would be helpful.
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